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Hymn/Song Information

That glorious day is drawing nigh When

That glorious day is drawing nigh,
When Zion’s light shall come;
She shall arise and shine on high,
Bright as the morning sun;

The north and south their sons resign,
And earth’s foundations bend;
Clothed as a bride, Jerusalem
All glorious shall descend.

The King Who wears the splendid crown,
The azure’s flaming bow;
The holy city shall bring down,
To bless His church below;

When Zion’s bleeding, conqu’ring King,
Shall sin and death destroy,
The morning stars shall join to sing,
And Zion shout for joy.

The holy, bright, angelic band,
Who sing on harps of gold,
In glorious order then shall stand
Fair Salem to behold.

Descending with sweet melting strains,
Jehovah they adore;
Such shouts thro' earth's extended plains
Were never heard before.

Let Satan rage and boast no more,
Nor think his reign is long;
Though saints are feeble, frail, and poor,
Their great Redeemer's strong.

He is their shield and hiding-place,
A covert from the storm;
A fountain in the wilderness,
And their eternal home.

The crystal stream comes down from heav'n,
It issues from the throne;
The floods of strife away are driv'n,
The church becomes but one:

That peaceful union we shall know,
And live upon his love,
And sing and shout his name below,
As angels do above.

A thousand years shall roll around,
The church shall be complete;
Call'd by the last loud trumpet's sound,
Their Saviour's face to meet:

With joy they meet him in the sky,
Whom here their souls ador'd;
And live in worlds of bliss on high,
For ever with their Lord.

---Alternative verses---

The north and south their sons resign,
And earth's foundations bend;
A bride adorn'd, Jerusalem
All glorious shall descend.

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
      Bible Refs: Rev 21:2;
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1853# 88
      Name: ELLACOMBE
      Meter: 8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.)
        Dates: 1784,1868
        Name meter
        8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.)

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