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If you would come after Me to your self

If you would come after Me, to your self say no;
Take your cross up daily; follow Me alone.
If you try to save your life, you will not succeed.
You must lose your self for Me; then you値l find life indeed.
What good will it be for you to gain the world as a whole,
If the end result is losing your own soul?

If you are ashamed of Me and of what I say,
I will also from you turn My face away.
Clothed in glory bright as light, I will come some day.
Till then, be My witnesses and never be dismayed.
Though you may be persecuted, never worry or fear;
Giving words of wisdom, I値l always be near.

All authority is Mine in both Heav地 and earth.
Go and make disciples, bringing them new birth.
Baptize in this mighty Name: Father, Son, and Spirit.
Teach all peoples to obey the things I have made clear.
Surely I will be with you always as you strive to obey;
Till the end of time, I値l still be there each day.

Jesus, I知 your servant here; self I have denied.
I will follow daily; be my faithful Guide.
I am not ashamed of You; boldly I値l proclaim.
I will go where弾r you lead, discipling in Your Name.
I know You値l be with Me at all times, till the end of my life.
So I値l follow gladly, out into the strife.

marker 99
Meter: 6 5 6 5 T
      Dates: 1998
      Bible Refs: Lk 9:23-24;
      Name: ST. GERTRUDE
      Meter: 6 5 6 5 T
        Dates: 1871

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