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Hymn/Song Information

Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels

Come let us join our cheerful songs
With angels round the throne;
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,
But all their joys are one.

"Worthy the Lamb that died!" they cry,
"To be exalted thus";
"Worthy the Lamb!" our lips reply,
"For He was slain for us."

Jesus is worthy to receive
Honour and power divine;
And blessings more than we can give
Be, Lord, for ever Thine.

Let all that dwells above the sky,
And air, and earth, and seas,
Conspire to lift thy glories high,
And speak Thine endless praise.

The whole creation joins in one,
To bless the sacred name
Of Him that sits upon the throne,
And to adore the Lamb.

---Alternative verses---

Come let us join our cheerful songs
And thus approach the throne;
Had we ten thousand, thousand tongues,
Our theme of joys but one.

Worthy the Lamb enthroned on high,
To be exalted thus;
Worthy the Lamb who died, we cry,,
For He was slain for us.

"Worthy the Lamb that died!" they cry,
"To be exalted thus";
"Worthy the Lamb!" our hearts reply,
"For He was slain for us."

Soon shall the saints, exalted high,
A glorious anthem raise;
And all that dwell beneath the sky
Speak forth Thine endless praise.

Let all that dwell above the sky,
And air, and earth, and seas,
Conspire to lift thy glories high,
And speak Thy endless praise.

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
      Dates: 1707
      Bible Refs: Rev 5:11-13;
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1889# 678
      2005# 96
      1853# 83
      1965# 16
      1977# 133
      1962# 200
      1981# 38
      2004# 142
      1988# 555
      1919# 387
      1960# 362
      2000# 332
      1920# 405
      1998# 319
      2000# 401
      2000# 93
      1996# 66
      1899# 143
      1904# 343
      1983# 144
      1950# 221
      1922# 299
      1983# 810
      # 62
      1881# 102
      1988# 206
      1964# 2
      2000# 120
      1996# 94
      # 37
      1954# 85
      1986# 12
      1925# 192
      1872# 174
      1853# 28
      # 245
      1999# 33
      1991# 70
      1925# 220
      1931# 472
      # 62
      1908# 429
      1938# 395
      1917# 561
      1906# 376
      1971# 47
      1982# 374
      1986# 349
      1866# 338
      1999# 204
      1885# 83
      1900# 10
      Name: NATIVITY (LAHEE)
      Meter: 8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        Dates: 1855
        Name meter
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 6
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
        8 6 8 6 8 6
        8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.)

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