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Welcome Thou Victor in the strife

Welcome, Thou Victor in the strife,
Welcome from out the grave;
|: Today we triumph in Thy life
Around Thy empty grave. :|

Our enemy is put to shame,
His short lived triumph o’er;
|: Our God is with us, we exclaim,
We fear our foe no more. :|

The dwellings of the just resound
With songs of victory;
|: For in their midst, Thou, Lord, art found,
And brightest peace with Thee. :|

O share with us the spoils, we pray,
Thou diedst to achieve;
|: We meet within Thy house today
Our portion to receive: :|

O let Thy conquering banner wave
O’er hearts Thou makest free;
|: And point the path that from the grave
Leads heav’nward up to Thee. :|

We bury all our sin and shame
Deep in our Savior’s tomb,
|: And seek the treasure there, that time
Nor change can e'er consume. :|

We die with Thee: O let us live
Henceforth to Thee aright;
|: The blessings Thou hast died to give
Be daily in our sight. :|

Fearless we lay us in the tomb,
And sleep the night away,
|: If Thou art there to break the gloom,
And call us back to day. :|

---Alternative verses---

Welcome, Thou Victor in the strife,
Now welcome from the cave!
|: Today we triumph in Thy life
Around Thy empty grave. :|

And let Thy conquering banner wave
O’er hearts Thou makest free;
|: And point the path that from the grave
Leads heav’nward up to Thee. :|

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 extended
      Dates: 1712,1855
      Bible Refs: Lk 24:35-36;
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      If I have omitted copyright on any items, or if there are errors, please e-mail me with details and I will gladly update my records.

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