Creator, Redeemer, and Spirit of Truth,
One God over all evermore,
In songs of thanksgiving, let manhood and youth
Extol thee, and praise, and adore.
Thy power we behold in the works of thy hand,
The heavens thy glory declare;
Thy providence rules over ocean and land;
All creatures that live are thy care.
Thy love beyond thought in the gospel we trace;
The gift of all gifts is thy Son,
Redeeming, restoring, and blessing our race,
When fallen, condemned, and undone.
Thy kindness, long-suffering, and mercy to crown,
The heirs of salvation to seal,
And dwell in thy people,—the Spirit came down;
His influence now let us feel.
The Father, the Son, and the Spirit of Truth,
One God over all evermore,
Let manhood and age join with childhood and youth,
To honor, praise, love, and adore.
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