Give glory to GOD in the highest! Give praise,
ye noble, ye nighty, with joyful accord;
All-wise are his counsels, all-perfect his ways:
In the beauty of holiness worship the Lord!
The voice of the LORD on the ocean is known,
The GOD of eternity thundereth abroad;
The voice of the LORD, from the depth of this throne,
Is terror and power;—all nature is awed.
At the voice of the LORD the cedars are bow’d,
And towers from their base into ruin are hurl’d;
The voice of the LORD, from the dark-bosom’d cloud,
Dissevers the lightning in flames o’er the world.
See Lebanon bound, like the kid on his rocks,
And wild as the unicorn Sirion appear:
The wilderness quakes with the resonant shocks;
The hinds cast their young in the travail of fear.
The voice of the LORD through the calm of the wood
Awakens its echoes, strikes light through its caves;
The LORD sitteth King on the turbulent flood;
The winds are his servants, his servants the waves.
The LORD is the strength of his people; the LORD
Gives health to his people, and peace evermore;
Then throng to his temple, his glory record,
But, O! when He speaketh, in silence adore.
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Bible Refs:
Ps 29;
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