A child, a youth, a man,
The whole of life below!
Our time a breath, our course a span;
Whence come we? wither go?
Whence come we?—From the womb
Of dark eternity;
And thither go we, through the tomb,—
Behold a mystery!
For though with worms and dust
His mortal relics lie,
Death may not hold or harm the just;
The spirit cannot die.
On angels’ wings afar,
‘Tis, by a path unknown,
Beyond the range of sun or star,
Caught up before the throne:—
At rest in paradise,
With him in bliss to live,
Who bought it with so great a price,
Heaven could no higher give:—
Till at the trumpet’s sound,
When soul and body meet,
They twain are one again, and found
In Christ, a saint complete.
By his good Spirit taught,
While trained on earth, may we
Be thus by grace to glory brought,
And immortality.
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