The earth is all the Lord's, with all
her store and furniture;
Yea, his is all the work, and all
that therein doth endure:
For he hath fastly founded it
above the seas to stand,
And placed below the liquid floods,
to flow beneath the land.
Who is the man, O Lord, that shall
ascend unto thy hill?
Or pass into thy holy place,
there to continue still?
E'en he whose hands and heart are pure,
which nothing doth defile,
His soul not set on vanity<
and hath not sworn to guile.
Him that is such a one, the Lord
most highly will regard,
And from his God and Savior shall
receive a just reward.
This is the generation of
them that do seek his grace,
E'en them that with an upright heart,
O Jacob, seek thy face.
Ye gates and everlasting doors,
lift up your heads on high;
Then shall the King of glorious state
come n triumphantly.
Who is the King of glorious state?
The great and mighty Lord,
The mighty Lord in battle strong,
and trial of the sword.
Ye gates and everlasting doors,
lift up your heads on high;
then shall the King of glorious state
come in triumphantly.
Who is the King of glorious state?
The Lord of hosts it is;
The kingdom and the royalty
of glorious state is his.
marker 99
8 6 8 6 (C.M.)
Bible Refs:
Ps 24;
Hymn/Song Book
Song #
| 1812 | # 24 |
echo ' | ';