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Hosanna to the Son of David Raise

Hosanna to the Son of David! Raise
Triumphal arches to His praise,
For Him prepare a throne
Who comes at last to Zion—to His own!
Strew palms around, make plain and straight the way
For Him who His triumphal entry holds today!

Hosanna! Welcome above all Thou art!
Make ready each to lay his heart
Low down before His feet!
Come, let us hasten forth our Lord to meet,
And bid him enter in Zion's gates,
Where thousand-voiced welcome on His coming waits.

Hosanna! Prince of Peace and Lord of Might!
We hail Thee Conqueror in the fight!
All Thou with toil hast won,
Shall be our booty when the battle's done.
Thy right hand ever hath the rule and sway,
Thy kingdom standeth fast when all things else decay.

Hosanna! best-beloved and noble Guest!
Who makest us by thy behest
Heirs of Thy realm with Thee.
Oh let us therefore never weary be
To stand and serve before Thy righteous throne,
We know no king but Thee, rule Thou o'er us alone!

Hosanna! Come, the time draws on apace,
We long Thy mercy to embrace,
This servant's form can ne'er
Conceal the majesty Thy acts declare:
Too well art Thou here in Thy Zion known,
Who art the Son of God, and yet art David's Son.

Hosanna! Lord, be Thou our help and friend,
Thy aid to us in mercy send,
That each may bring his soul
An offering unto Thee, unstained and whole.
Thou wilt have none for Thy disciples, Lord,
But those who truly keep, not only hear Thy word.

Hosanna! Let us in Thy footsteps tread,
Not that sad Mount of Olives dread
Where we must weep and watch,
Until the far-off song of joy we catch
From Heaven our Bethphage, where we shall sing
Hosanna in the highest to our God and King!

Hosanna! Let us sound it far and wide!
Enter Thou in and here abide,
Thou Blessed of the Lord!
Why standest Thou without, why roam'st abroad!
Hosanna! Make Thy home with us for ever!
Thou comest, Lord! and nought us from Thy love shall sever.

marker 99
Meter: 10 8 6 10 10 10
      Dates: 1704,1855
      Bible Refs: Mt 21:9;
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