Loving Shepherd, kind and true,
Wilt Thou not in pity come
To Thy Lamb? As shepherds do,
Bear me in Thy bosom home;
Take me hence from earth's annoy
To Thy home of endless joy.
See how I have gone astray
In this earthly wilderness;
Come and take me soon away
To Thy flock who dwell in bliss,
And Thy glory, Lord, behold,
Safe within Thy heavenly fold.
For I fain would gaze on Thee,
With the lambs to whom 'tis given
That they feed, from danger free,
In the happy fields of heaven;
Praising Thee, all terrors o'er,
Never can they wander more.
Here I live in sore distress,
Fearing, watching, hour by hour;
For my foes around me press,
And I know their craft and power:
Lord, Thy lamb can never be
Safe one moment, but with Thee.
O Lord Jesus, let me not
'Mid the ravening wolves e'er fall,
Help me as a shepherd ought,
That I may escape them all:
Bear me homeward in Thy breast,
To Thy fold of endless rest.
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Bible Refs:
Jn 10:11;
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