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Though all to Thee were faithless I yet

Though all to Thee were faithless,
I yet were true, my Head,
To show that love is deathless,
From earth not wholly fled.
Here didst Thou live in sadness,
And die in pain for me,
For this I give with gladness
My heart and soul to Thee.

I could weep night and morning
That Thou hast died, and yet
So few will heed Thy warning,
So many Thee forget.
O loving and true-hearted,
How much for us didst Thou!
Yet is Thy fame departed,
And none regards it now.

But still Thy love befriends us,
Of every heart the guide;
Unfailing help it lends us,
Thou all had turned aside.
Oh! such love soon or later
Must conquer, must be felt,
Then at Thy feet the traitor
In bitter tears shall melt.

Lord, I have inly found Thee,
Depart Thou not from me,
But wrap Thy love around me,
And keep me close to Thee.
Once too my brethren, yonder
Upgazing where Thou art,
Shall learn Thy love with wonder,
And sink upon Thy heart.

marker 99
Meter: 7 6 7 6 D
      Dates: 1795,1855
      Bible Refs: 1 Co 1:7-8; Heb 11:1;
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