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Then I have conquered then at last My

Then I have conquered; then at last
My course is run, good night!
I am well pleased that it is past;
A thousand times, good night!
But ye, dear friends, whom I must leave,
Look not thus anxiously;
O wherefore thus lament and grieve?
It standeth well with me.

Farewell, O anguish, pain, and fear,
Farewell, farewell for ever!
It glads my heart to leave you here,
Redeemed from you for ever!
Henceforth a life of joy I share,
In my Creator's hand;
None of the griefs can touch me there,
That haunt this lower land.

Who yet o'er earth in time must roam,
Not yet from error free,
Scarce lisp the language of our home,
The glad eternity.
Far better is a happy death,
Than worldly life, I trow;
The weakness once I sank beneath,
I nevermore shall know.

Lay on my coffin many a wreath,
For conquerors wreathed are seen;
And lo! my soul attains through death
The crown of evergreen,
That blooms in fadeless groves of heaven;
And this fair victor's crown,
That mighty Son of God hath given,
Who for my sake came down.

'Twas but a while that I was sent
To dwell among you here;
Now God resumes what He hath lent,
Oh grieve not o'er my bier;
But say, 'twas given at His command
Who takes it, He is just;
Our life and death are in His hand,
His servants can but trust.

That ye should see my grave, alas!
Shows we are frail indeed;
That it so soon should come to pass,
Our Father hath decreed,
And He your bitter grief shall still;
Think not too young am I,
For he who dies as God doth will,
Is old enough to die.

Farewell, thou dear, dear soul, farewell!
To those sweet pleasures go,
That we who mourning here must dwell,
Not yet, alas! can know.
Ah when shall that great day be come,
When these things fade away,
And Thou shalt bid us welcome home;
Would God it were today!

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.)
      Dates: 1665,1885
      Bible Refs:
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