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Now take my heart and all that is in me

Now take my heart and all that is in me,
My Lord beloved, take it from me to Thee;
I would have Thine
This soul and flesh of mine
Would order thought and word and deed
As Thy most holy will shall lead.

Thou feedest me with heavenly bread and wine,
Thou pourest through me streams of life divine;
Oh noble Face,
So sweet, so full of grace,
I ponder as Thy cross I see,
How best to give myself to Thee.

Behold, through all the eternal ages, still
My heart shall choose and love Thy holy will;
Wouldst Thou my death,
I die to Thee in faith;
Wouldst Thou that I should longer live,
To Thee the choice I wholly give.

But Thou must also deign to be my own,
To dwell in me, to make my heart Thy throne,
My God indeed,
My Help in time of need,
My Head from whom no power can sever,
The Bridegroom of my soul for ever!

marker 99
Meter: 10 10 4 6 8 8
      Dates: 1657,1863
      Bible Refs:
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