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All praise and thanks to God most High

All praise and thanks to God most High,
The Father of all Love!
The God who doeth wondrously,
The God who from above
My soul with richest solace fills,
The God who every sorrow stills;
Give to our God the glory!

The hosts of heaven Thy praises tell,
All thrones bow down to Thee,
And all who in Thy shadow dwell,
In earth and air and sea,
Declare and laud their Maker's might,
Whose wisdom orders all things right;
Give to our God the glory!

And for the creatures He hath made
Our God shall well provide;
His grace shall be their constant aid,
Their guard on every side;
His kingdom ye may surely trust,
There all is equal, all is just;
Give to our God the glory!

I sought Him in my hour of need;
Lord God, now hear my prayer!
For death He gave me life indeed,
And comfort for despair;
For this my thanks shall endless be,
Oh thank Him, thank Him too with me
Give to our God the glory!

The Lord is never far away,
Nor sunder'd from His flock;
He is their refuge and their stay,
Their peace, their trust, their rock,
And with a mother's watchful love
He guides them wheresoe'er they rove:
Give to our God the glory!

And when earth cannot comfort more,
Nor earthly help avail,
The Maker comes Himself, whose store
Of blessing cannot fail,
And bends on them a Father's eyes
Whom earth all rest and hope denies:
Give to our God the glory!

Ah then till life hath reach'd its bound,
My God, I'll worship Thee,
The chorus of Thy praise shall sound
Far over land and sea;
Oh soul and body now rejoice,
My heart send forth a gladsome voice:
Give to our God the glory!

All ye who name Christ's holy Name,
Give to our God the glory!
Ye who the Father's power proclaim,
Give to our God the glory!
All idols under foot be trod,
The Lord is God! The Lord is God!
Give to our God the glory!

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 8 8 7
      Dates: 1673,1863
      Bible Refs:
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