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Now at last I end the strife To my God I

Now at last I end the strife,
To my God I give my life
Wholly, with a steadfast mind;
Sin, I will not hearken more,
World, I turn from thee, 'tis o'er,
Not a look I'll cast behind.

Hath my heart been wavering long,
Have I dallied oft with wrong,
Now at last I firmly say:
All my will to this I give,
Only to my God to live,
And to serve Him night and day.

Lord, I offer at Thy feet
All I have most dear and sweet,
Lo! I keep no secret hoard:
Try my heart, and lurks there aught
False within its inmost thought,
Take it hence this moment, Lord!

I will shun no toil or wo,
Where Thou leadest I will go,
Be my pathway plain or rough;
If but every hour may be
Spent in work that pleases Thee,
Ah, dear Lord, it is enough!

One thing will I seek alone,
Nothing outward shall be known,
Sought, or toil'd for, more by me;
Strange to earth and all her care,
Well content with pilgrim's fare,
Shall my life be hid in Thee.

Thee I make my choice alone,
Make for ever, Lord, Thine own
All my powers of soul and mind;
Here I give myself away,
Let the covenant stand for aye
That my hand to-day hath sign'd.

marker 99
Meter: 7 7 7 7 7 7
      Dates: 1731,1863
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