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Hymn/Song Information

O you immortal throng Of angels round

O you immortal throng
Of angels round the throne!
Join with our feeble song
To make the Saviour known;
On earth you knew his wondrous grace;
In heav'n you view his beauteous face.

You saw the heav'nly child
In human flesh array'd,
All innocent and mild,
While in a manger laid;
And praise to God, and peace on earth,
Proclaim'd aloud, for such a birth.

You in the wilderness
Beheld the tempter spoil'd,
Well known in ev'ry dress,
In ev'ry combat foil'd:
And joy'd to crown the Victor's head,
Before his frown when Satan fled.

Around the bloody tree
You press'd with strong desire,
That wondrous sight to see--
The Lord of life expire!
And could your eyes have known a tear,
In sad surprise had dropp'd it there.

Around his sacred tomb
A willing watch you keep,
Till the blest moment come
To rouse him from his sleep;
Then roll'd the stone, and all ador'd
With joy unknown, our rising Lord.

When, all array'd in light,
The shining Conq'ror rode,
You hail'd his rapt'rous flight
Up to the throne of God;
Your golden wings you wav'd around,
And struck your strings of sweetest sound.

The warbling notes pursue,
And louder anthems raise,
While mortals sing with you
Their own Redeemer's praise.
And you, my heart, with equal flame,
Perform your part with joy the same.

marker 99
Meter: 6 6 6 6 8 8
      Bible Refs:
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1853# 50
      Name: ST. JOHN (PARISH)
      Meter: 6 6 6 6 8 8
        Dates: 1850
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