To Thee, O Lord Jehovah,
We hymn our grateful praise,
For all Thy lovingkindness,
The wisdom of Thy ways.
Thou dost note the sparrow’s fall,
Thou dost hear us when we call;
Oh, accept our glad thanksgiving
For Thy tender mercies all!
Hearts that know Thy name adore Thee;
Nations fain would bow before Thee—
Crown Thee King of kings!
Proclaim Thee Lord of all!
Blest tokens of Thy mercy
To sinful host appear,
And with Thy matchless goodness
Thou crownest all the year.
Thou dost note the sparrow’s fall,
Thou dost hear us when we call;
Oh, accept our glad thanksgiving
For Thy tender mercies all!
Hearts that know Thy name adore Thee;
Nations fain would bow before Thee—
Crown Thee King of kings!
Proclaim Thee Lord of all!
For hope of joys eternal,
For pardon through the blood,
And for Thy Holy Spirit,
We thank Thee, O our God.
Thou dost note the sparrow’s fall,
Thou dost hear us when we call;
Oh, accept our glad thanksgiving
For Thy tender mercies all!
Hearts that know Thy name adore Thee;
Nations fain would bow before Thee—
Crown Thee King of kings!
Proclaim Thee Lord of all!
Ye saints, go tell of Jesus
Till earth triumphant rings,
Till every creature bowing,
Shall praise the King of kings!
Thou dost note the sparrow’s fall,
Thou dost hear us when we call;
Oh, accept our glad thanksgiving
For Thy tender mercies all!
Hearts that know Thy name adore Thee;
Nations fain would bow before Thee—
Crown Thee King of kings!
Proclaim Thee Lord of all!
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