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Jesus over the grave victorious Conquering death

Jesus, o’er the grave victorious,
Conquering death, and conquering hell,
Reign Thou in Thy might all glorious,
Heav’n and earth Thy triumph swell.
Saints in Thee approach the Father
Asking in Thy name alone;
He, in Thee, with love increasing,
Gives and glorifies the Son.

Down to earth in all its darkness
From the Father Thou didst come;
Seeking sinners in their blindness,
Calling earth’s poor exiles home;
By a life of love and labor
Doing all the Father’s will;
Giving to each suppliant sufferer,
Precious balm for every ill.

Patient ever in well-doing,
Moving on in steps of blood,
Thro’ the grave to heights of glory,
Reconciling us with God.
Here, in Thee, is peace forever;
We can tribulation bear;
Kiss Thy cross, with rapture knowing
Thou hast conquered suffering there.

marker 99
Meter: 8 7 8 7 D
      Dates: 1873
      Bible Refs: Ac 3:13;
      Name: CHIGWELL
      Meter: 8 7 8 7 D

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