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Hymn/Song Book Information

Hosanna! Music Praise Worship Vol 8 - 1994

Hymn/Song Book # 43
Hosanna! Music Praise Worship Vol 8
Integrity Music Inc.

Number First Line Writer(s) Date Meter Verses
627Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
628Sy Gorieb
Tim Hosman
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
629Gerrit Gustafson
Gary Sadler
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
630Rich Gomez©1991 Integrity’s Ho . None
631John Chisum
George Searcy
©1989,1993 Ariose Mu . None
632Bob Fitts©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
633Wayne Watson©1990 Material Music . None
634Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
635Bob Fitts©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
636Dave BIllington©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
637Isi DeGersigny©1989 Songs of the N . None
638Lynn DeShazo©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
640Helena Barrington©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
641Bob Ayaya©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
642Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
643Gerrit Gustafson©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
644Karl Michner©1990 Integrity’s Ho . None
645Martin J. Nystrom
Don Harris
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
646Raphael Green©1986 Integrity’s Ho . None
647Don Harris
Cecelia Harris
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
648Bob Fitts©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
649Ray Goudie
Dave Bankhead
Steve Bassett
©1993 Integrity's Ho . None
650Gary Sadler©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
651Bob Farrell
Dave Robbins
©1984 Straight Way M . None
652Clinton Utterbach©1991 Polygram Music . None
653Ed Kerr©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
654Lynn DeShazo©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
655Kent Henry©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
656Nancy Gordon
Jamie Harvill
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
657Kim Bollinger©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
658Bob Fitts©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
659Shawn Craig
Don Koch
©1990 Paragon Music . None
660Billy Funk
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity's Pr . None
661Kirk Dearman
Deby Dearman
©1993 Expressions of . None
662Fini DeGersigny©1985 Songs of the N . None
663Bob Fitts©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
664Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
665Danny Bridgens
Lionel Peterson
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
666Gary Sadler©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
667Danny Chambers
Jim Ray
Trent Austin
©1993 Integrity's Pr . None
668Gerrit Gustafson©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
669Jude Del Hierro©1987 Mercy/Vineyard . None
670Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
671Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
672Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
673Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
674John Chisum
George Searcy
©1993 Integrity's Pr . None
675Sy Gorieb
Tim Hosman
©1990 Integrity’s Ho . None
676Lynn DeShazo©1984 Integrity’s Ho . None
677Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
678Kent Henry©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
679Dale Garrett
John Mark Childers
Ramon Pink
Graham Burt
©1991 Scripture in S . None
680John Thompson
Randy Scruggs
©1982 Whole Armor Pu . None
681Don Dalton
Valarie Dalton
©1990 Integrity’s Ho . None
682Chris Christensen©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
683Lynn DeShazo©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
684Bob Fitts©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
685John Chisum
Don Harris
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
686Kim Bollinger©1990 Integrity’s Ho . None
687Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
688Stand up Stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of theGeorge Duffield1858 7 6 7 6 D 8
689Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
690Don Harris©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
691Nathan Burbank©1993 &ee & Say . None
692Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
693Clinton Utterbach©1988 Polygram Music . None
694Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
695Lynn DeShazo©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
696Billy Funk©1992 Integrity's Pr . None
697Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
698Billy Funk©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
699Gary Sadler©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
700Isi DeGersigny©1986 Songs of the N . None
701Kenny Drain
Lindsey Drain
©1991 Integrity’s Ho . None
702Randy Wright©1991 Integrity’s Ho . None
703Chris Christensen©1987 Integrity’s Ho . None
704Don Harris
Martin J. Nystrom
©1993 Integrity’s Ho . None
705Paul Baloche
Ed Kerr
©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
706Jamie Harvill©1993 Integrity's Pr . None
707Isi DeGersigny©1992 Songs of the N . None
708Rich Gomez©1989 Integrity’s Ho . None
709Billy Funk©1992 Integrity's Pr . None
710Rich Gomez©1989 Integrity’s Ho . None
711Kent Henry©1992 Integrity’s Ho . None
712Jamie Owens-Collins©1990 Fairhill Music . None

If I have omitted copyright on any items, or if there are errors, please e-mail me with details and I will gladly update my records.
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