TITLE/First Line/Refrain
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 7 8 7 D | 3 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 7 8 7 8 6 extended | 5 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.) | 3 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 7 6 7 6 and refrain | 4 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | . | 5 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 6 8 6 (C.M.) and refra | 5 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 7 6 7 6 and refrain | 4 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 6 8 6 D (D.C.M.) | 3 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 6 8 6 (C.M.) and refra | 5 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | | 8 7 8 7 8 6 extended | 5 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry | c.1895 | 11 10 11 10 extended | 4 |
| Edith Adeline Gilling Cherry tr/ad Jubilate Hymns | © Jubilate Hymns | 11 10 11 10 extended | None |