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Hymn/Song Information

For all Thy saints who from their

For all the saints,
who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before
the world confessed,
Thy Name, O Jesus,
be forever blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thou wast their Rock,
their Fortress and their Might;
Thou, Lord, their Captain
in the well fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness drear,
their one true Light.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

For the Apostles’
glorious company,
Who bearing forth the Cross
o’er land and sea,
Shook all the mighty world,
we sing to Thee:
Alleluia, Alleluia!

For the Evangelists,
by whose blest word,
Like fourfold streams,
the garden of the Lord,
Is fair and fruitful,
be Thy Name adored.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

For Martyrs, who with
rapture kindled eye,
Saw the bright crown
descending from the sky,
And seeing, grasped it,
Thee we glorify.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

O blest communion,
fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle,
they in glory shine;
All are one in Thee,
for all are Thine.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

O may Thy soldiers,
faithful, true and bold,
Fight as the saints
who nobly fought of old,
And win with them
the victor’s crown of gold.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

And when the strife is fierce,
the warfare long,
Steals on the ear
the distant triumph song,
And hearts are brave,
again, and arms are strong.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

The golden evening
brightens in the west;
Soon, soon to faithful warriors
comes their rest;
Sweet is the calm
of paradise the blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

But lo! there breaks
a yet more glorious day;
The saints triumphant
rise in bright array;
The King of glory
passes on His way.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

From earth’s wide bounds,
from ocean’s farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl
streams in the countless host,
And singing to Father,
Son and Holy Ghost:
Alleluia, Alleluia!

marker 99
Meter: 10 10 10 and Allelujas
      Dates: 1864
      Bible Refs: Heb 12:1; Rev 2:10; Rev 7:9-14; Rev 14:13;
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1965# 460
      1977# 384
      1962# 403
      1994# 176
      1988# 550
      1919# 175
      1960# 191
      2000# 459
      1920# 171
      1998# 276
      2000# 232
      2000# 148
      1996# 554
      1904# 220
      1983# 305
      1950# 527
      1922# 437
      1983# 814
      1988# 567
      # 546
      1964# 506
      2000# 177
      1996# 134
      # 51
      1954# 832
      1955# 186
      1925# 127
      1990# 526
      1869# 299
      1999# 636
      1991# 109
      1925# 110
      1931# 202
      # 890
      1908# 219
      1938# 209
      1917# 676
      1906# 641
      1903# 331
      1971# 501
      1916# 295
      1940# 126
      1982# 287
      1986# 197
      1999# 455
      1961# 281
      1989# 711
      Name: SINE NOMINE
      Meter: 10 10 10 and Allelujas
        Name meter
        10 10 10 and Allelujas
        10 10 10 and Allelujas
        10 10 10 and Allelujas
        10 10 10 4
        10 10 10 and Allelujas
        10 10 10 and Allelujas

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