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Hymn/Song Information

By Christ redeemed in Christ restored

By Christ redeemed,
in Christ restored,
We keep the memory adored,
And show the death of our dear Lord
Until He come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

His body broken in our stead
Is seen in this memorial bread,
And so our feeble love is fed
Until He come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

The drops of His dread agony,
His life-blood shed for us, we see;
The wine shall tell the mystery
Until He come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

And thus that dark betrayal-night
With the last advent we unite,
By one blest chain of loving rite
Until He come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

Until the trump of God be heard,
Until the ancient graves be stirred,
And, with the great commanding word,
The Lord shall come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

O blessèd hope! with this elate,
Let not our hears be desolate,
But, strong in faith, in patience wait
Until He come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

---Alternative verses---

The streams of His dread agony,
His life blood shed for us, we see;
The wine shall tell the mystery
Until He come.

-Broken for me, broken for you;
-The body of Jesus broken for you.

marker 99
Meter: 8 8 8 4
      Dates: 1857,1876
      Bible Refs: Gal 3:13;
      Name: IN MEMORIAM
      Meter: 8 8 8 4
        Hymn/Song Book Song # Key
        # 68Eb
        # 527Fm
        # 433.1 No key
        Name meter
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4
        8 8 8 4

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