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Hymn/Song Information

O Lord how shall I meet You/Thee

O Lord, how shall I meet You,
how welcome you aright?
Your people long to greet You,
my Hope, my heart’s Delight!
O kindle, Lord most holy,
a lamp within my breast,
To do in spirit lowly
all that may please You best.

Love caused Your incarnation,
love brought You down to me;
Your thirst for my salvation
procured my liberty.
O love beyond all telling,
hat led you to embrace
In love all loves excelling
our lost and fallen race.

A glorious crown You gave me,
a treasure safe on high,
That will not fail nor leave me
as earthly riches fly.
My heart shall bloom forever
for You with praises new,
And from Your Name shall never
withhold the honor due.

---Alternative verses---

O Lord, how shall I meet Thee,
How welcome Thee aright?
Thy people long to greet Thee,
My Hope, my heart's Delight!
O kindle, Lord, most holy,
Thy lamp within my breast
To do in spirit lowly
All that may please Thee best.

Thy Zion strews before Thee
Green boughs and fairest palms,
And I, too, will adore Thee
With joyous songs and psalms.
My heart shall bloom forever
For Thee with praises new
And from Thy name shall never
Withhold the honor due.

I lay in fetters, groaning,
Thou com'st to set me free;
I stood, my shame bemoaning,
Thou com'st to honor me;
A glory Thou dost give me,
A treasure safe on high,
That will not fail or leave me
As earthly riches fly.

Love caused Thy incarnation,
Love brought Thee down to me;
Thy thirst for my salvation
Procured my liberty.
O love beyond all telling,
That led Thee to embrace,
In love all love excelling,
Our lost and fallen race!

Rejoice, then, ye sad hearted,
Who sit in deepest gloom,
Who mourn o'er joys departed
And tremble at your doom.
Despair not, He is near you,
Yea, standing at the door,
Who best can help and cheer you
And bids you weep no more.

Ye need not toil nor languish
Nor ponder day and night
How in the midst of anguish
Ye draw Him by your might.
He comes, He comes all willing,
Moved by His love alone,
Your woes and troubles stilling;
For all to Him are known.

Sin's debt, that fearful burden,
Let not your souls distress;
Your guilt the Lord will pardon
And cover by His grace.
He comes, for men procuring
The peace of sin forgiven,
For all God's sons securing
Their heritage in heaven.

What though the foes be raging,
Heed not their craft and spite;
Your Lord, the battle waging,
Will scatter all their might.
He comes, a King most glorious,
And all His earthly foes
In vain His course victorious
Endeavor to oppose.

He comes to judge the nations,
A terror to His foes,
A Light of consolations
And blessed Hope to those
Who love the Lord's appearing.
O glorious Sun, now come,
Send forth Thy beams so cheering,
An guide us safely home.

marker 99
Meter: 7 6 7 6 D
      Dates: 1653,1863
      Bible Refs: Pr 7:15;
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1990# 11
      1961# 119
      Meter: 7 6 7 6 D
        Dates: 1613
        Hymn/Song Book Song # Key
        # 151 No key
        # 106 No key
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