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Christ enthroned in highest heaven

Christ, enthroned in highest heaven,
Hear us crying from the deep,
For the faithful ones departed,
For the souls of all that sleep;
As Thy kneeling Church entreateth,
Hearken, Shepherd of the sheep.

King of Glory, hear our voices,
Grant Thy faithful rest, we pray;
We have sinned, and may not bide it,
If Thou mark our steps astray;
Yet we plead the saving Victim,
Which for them we bring today.

That which Thou Thyself hast offered
To Thy Father, offer we;
Let it win for them a blessing,
Bless them, Jesu, set them free;
They are Thine, they wait in patience;
Merciful and gracious be.

They are Thine, O take them quickly,
Thou their Hope, O raise them high;
Ever hoping, ever trusting,
Unto Thee they strive and cry;
Day and night, both morn and even,
Be, O Christ, their Guardian nigh.

Let Thy plenteous loving-kindness,
On them, as we pray, be poured;
Let them through Thy boundless mercy,
From all evil be restored;
Hearken to the voices pleading
Of Thy Church, O gracious Lord.

When, O kind and radiant Jesus,
kneels the Queen thy throne before,
let the court of saints attending,
mercy for the dead implore;
hearken, loving Friend of sinners,
whom the cross exalted bore.

Hear and answer prayers devoutest,
Break, O Lord, each binding chain,
Dash the gates of death asunder,
Quell the devil and his train;
Bring the souls which Thou hast ransomed
Evermore in joy to reign.

marker 99
Meter: 8 7 8 7 8 7
      Dates: 13 cent,1502,1867,1906
      Bible Refs: 1 Th 4:14;
      Hymn/Song Book Year Song #
      1955# 179
      1906# 350
      1986# 327
      Name: BRYNTIRION
      Meter: 8 7 8 7 8 7
        Dates: 1906
        Name meter
        8 7 8 7 8 7

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