Eternity draws near
As time moves on;
When earth shall disappear
I shall have gone
Out in the great unknown
To reap what I have sown;
Summoned before the throne,
Then, where shall I go?
Where shall I go?
Where shall I go?
From the great judgment seat,
Where shall I go?
Soon will the Lord appear
With trumpet sound,
Filling the lost with fear,
Shaking the ground;
Up from their silent bed
Raising the sleeping dead;
Sinners the sight will dread—
Where shall I be found?
Where shall I go?
Where shall I go?
From the great judgment seat,
Where shall I go?
When the sun shine no more,
No hope in sight;
Gone from this earthly shore
Where all is night,
Down where dark billows roll—
Lost, lost, my precious soul!
Never to reach that goal
In heaven so bright.
Where shall I go?
Where shall I go?
From the great judgment seat,
Where shall I go?
marker 99
Bible Refs:
echo ' | ';