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Hymn/Song Information

Come Holy Spirit heavenly Dove My sinful

Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
My sinful maladies remove ;
Be Thou my Light, be Thou my Guide,
O'er every thought and step preside.

The light of truth to me display,
That I may know and choose my way;
Plant holy fear within mine heart,
That I from God may ne'er depart.

Conduct me safe, conduct me far
From every sin and hurtful snare ;
Lead me to God, my final Rest,
In His enjoyment to be blest.

Lead me to Christ, the Living Way,
Nor let me from His pastures stray :
Lead me to Heaven, the seat of bliss,
Where pleasure in perfection is.

Lead me to holiness, the road
That I must take to dwell with God ;
Lead to Thy Word, that rules must give,
And sure directions how to live.

Lead me to means of grace, where I
May own my wants, and seek supply:
Lead to Thyself, the Spring from whence
To fetch all quickening influence.

Thus I, conducted still by Thee,
Of God a child beloved shall be,
Here to His family pertain,
Hereafter with Him ever reign.

marker 99
Meter: 8 8 8 8 (L.M.)
      Bible Refs:
      Name: MELCOMBE
      Meter: 8 8 8 8 (L.M.)
        Dates: 1782
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