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O heavy burdened weary one Weighed down

O HEAVY BURDENED, WEARY ONE © 2009 Richard W. Adams
These lyr­ics may be free­ly re­produced or pub­lished for Christ­ian wor­ship or de­vo­tions,
pro­vid­ed they are not al­tered, & this no­tice is on each co­py. All other rights re­served.
O heavy burdened, weary one,
Weighed down by sin and shame,
Come with your tired, downtrodden soul,
Helpless, or blind and lame;
No matter what oppresses,
Come, doubter, taste and see,
That God alone possesses,
Power to set you free.

For condemnation does not wait,
But His forgiveness sweet,
If only we confess the past,
And lay it at His feet.
He lifts the heavy millstone,
Fetters of many years,
And in the ocean casts them,
So sinking all our fears.

There is a rest for humble souls,
In everlasting arms,
A refuge from the tears and pain
And all the world’s alarms.
For God Himself has spoken:
If you would be made whole,
Christ offers to the broken
Balm for the sin-sick soul.
O HEAVY BURDENED, WEARY ONE © 2009 Richard W. Adams
These lyr­ics may be free­ly re­produced or pub­lished for Christ­ian wor­ship or de­vo­tions,
pro­vid­ed they are not al­tered, & this no­tice is on each co­py. All other rights re­served.

marker 99
Meter: 8 6 8 6 7 6 7 6
      Dates: 2009
      Bible Refs: Mt 11:28;
      Name: MCAFEE
      Meter: 8 6 8 6 r 7 6 7 6
        Dates: 1903
        Hymn/Song Book Song # Key
        # 301Db
        # 497Db
        # 113Db

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